Posts tagged php

There are 11 posts tagged with php.

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Sydney Drupal Meetup, March 2013

My first Drupal meetup since moving to Sydney.

Using ImageMagick and GD2 together with Drupal ImageCache

A quick (working!) introduction to using ImageMagick in custom ImageCache actions while using GD as your default toolkit.

Attribute Oriented Programming in PHP

The fourth talk at the Open Programming Language Miniconf 2010 was Peter Serwylo's presentation about Attribute Oriented Programming in PHP.

Notes on Preparing for PHP6

My notes on Ben Balbo's talk at Open Programming Language Miniconf 2010: Preparing for PHP6.

Logging the locking in SPIP

The rather hackish way I instrumented SPIP to record debugging information about its file locking to a remote syslog server.

Treatments, Typography, and Markdown for SPIP

A quick and rather hackish way to replace SPIP's built-in text markup format with Markdown.

Authorising user actions in SPIP

One of the APIs that many SPIP plug-ins will need to use is `autoriser()` -- the function which determines whether a user should be permitted to perform a given operation. As I couldn't find any document on using this function, here are a few notes.

SPIP tags with multiple aliases

This post describes creating SPIP tags with multiple "names" (like #INCLURE and #INCLUDE) and taking the technique further to implement families of related tags.

Dynamic tags, fake arguments, and AST mangling in SPIP

Sometimes a dynamic SPIP tag (one evaluated at request time) needs details about the template, but this information is not available. This post describes a technique for passing data from the AST into the tag's static and dynamic evaluation functions.

A better way to control attributes in SPIP templates

This post describes a PHP function to replace SPIP's inserer_attribut and extraire_attribut filters with a single jQuery-inspired attr filter.