Creating custom tags for SPIP - Static tags

A short introduction to creating custom template tags in the SPIP content management system. Posted by Thomas Sutton on November 19, 2008

The SPIP template language has two constructions: loops (which determine the objects to be “output”) and tags (which actually output particular values). The reasonably simple syntax of tags – most look like ’‘#THE_TAG’’ – belies their power and flexibility and the ease with which we can use them to extend SPIP with additional features and integrate it with other PHP-based packages.

In this post, I’ll describe how to create your own static SPIP tags. In a future post, I’ll cover dynamic tags, and how to package your tags (and other code) as a plug-in. Before reading this post, you should be familiar with SPIP and it’s template language, and with programming in PHP.

SPIP tags are used to “output” a “value”. For many tags, this value is taken from the context in which it is called: the title of the “current” article, for example, or the logo the “current” news item. Others output global values like the name of the web-site, or the version of the software. Still more tags allow users to interact with the site (e.g. #LOGIN_PUBLIC which outputs a log-in form and processes the log-in request when the user submits it) and a few (like ’‘#SET’’ and ’‘#GET’’) implement the features of a general purpose programming language and producing output is only a side effect. All of these effects are achieved using the same relatively simple syntax and mechanism.

Tags can be divided into two groups based on their behaviour. Static tags are those that output some statically determined value – one that does not necessarily change from one evaluation to another. The title of an article, for example, will not necessarily change between one page view and another. It may, but not necessarily. Dynamic tags are those that generate dynamic output – values that necessarily change between invocations. The current date and time, for example. Implementing a static tag is significantly easier than a dynamic tag, so we’ll look at that first and leave dynamic tags to a later post.

Static tags

Static tags are those that output a “static” value. That is, a value that is not expected to change over any particular time period. This means that SPIP can evaluate a static tag once and then cache the result and reuse it in future requests.

Like many aspects of SPIP, a tag (for the rest of this section, you can assume that “tag” means “static tag”) is a function1 with a special name – the name of the tag appended to “balise_”. For example a tag called #FOO will be implemented by a function called balise_FOO. Like much of SPIP, these functions can be overridden by plug-ins, or site-specific files. When it sees a #FOO tag, SPIP will first look for a function called balise_FOO, then one called balise_FOO_dist, and then decide that the tag doesn’t exist.

Rather than blather on, I’ll give you a trivial example: the #HELLO_WORLD tag. This tag simply outputs the string “Hello World!” (To use the code, simply copy the function into the file mes_fonctions.php in the root of your SPIP installation):

function balise_HELLO_WORLD($p) {
    $p->code = "'Hello World!'";
    return $p;

As you can see there are a few more details than just the name, namely, this $p thing. The parameter to the function implementing the tag is a reference to the abstract syntax tree node for that tag. This contains all of the information about the tag that SPIP has about the tag, the filters called on it, the brackets around it, the context, etc., etc., etc. All that is missing is the value itself, which is where our function comes into play. After SPIP has analysed the templates and handled everything it can, it calls the function responsible for each tag to fill in the gaps.

There a numerous fields in the Champ object (the class is defined in ecrire/public/interfaces.php but the definition isn’t particularly edifying), but most of them are best left alone and accessed by way of helper functions:

  • type – a string describing the type of AST node. Should be "champ" for tags.

  • nom_champ – the name of the tag without the #.

  • nom_boucle – the name of the loop. Tags aren’t loops, so this will be empty.

  • avant – a list of preceding nodes that are conditional on this one.

  • apres – a list of succeeding nodes that are conditional on this one.

  • etoile – “star”. The tag was called like #HELLO_WORLD* and, thus, should output raw, as opposed to HTML safe, values.

  • param – a list of parameters and filters to the tag call. This is pretty complex.

  • fonctions – similar to param but structured differently.

  • id_boucle – the name of the loop within which this tag occurs.

  • boucles – an array of AST nodes for the loops (“boulces”) in the template.

  • type_requete – no idea.

  • code – the PHP code which, when eval()d, produces the value of the tag.

  • interdire_scripts – whether “scripts” will be interpreted. No idea.

  • ramasser_miettes – whether to “collect the crumbs”. No idea.

  • descr – an array of values describing the AST node, the file it came from, etc.

  • ligne – the line number of the tag call in the template.

An example Replacing the contents of your dist/sommaire.html template with this:

[before (#HELLO_WORLD{arg1}|strtoupper) after]

might result in the following AST being passed to balise_HELLO_WORLD above (download the full SPIP AST):

type => "champ"
nom_champ => "HELLO_WORLD"
avant => the node/s for "before", ...
apres => the node/s for "after", ...
etoile => 
param => [
        0 => "arg1" is in here, ...
        1 => "strtoupper" is in here, ...
fonctions => [
        0 => "{arg1}" is also in here, ...
        1 => "strtoupper" is also in here, ...

Thankfully, you can ignore almost all of this and trust to the helpers. The function interprete_argument_balise (FR) is particularly useful: interprete_argument_balise(1, $p) returns the first argument in the AST node $p.

Using what I’ve described so far, it’s pretty to write a #HELLO tag which output’s a message “Hello name” when given a name, and “Hello World!” otherwise (again, this code goes in mes_fonctions.php):

function balise_HELLO($p) {
    $name = interprete_argument_balise(1, $p);
    if (! $name) {
        $name = "World!";
    $p->code = "'Hello $name'";
    return $p;

There are a number of other issues involved in writing static templates. It’s good practice to make sure that your tags (and everything else, for that matter) supports translation, especially if you’re going to be distributing it to others. Doing so is reasonably easy using the _T (FR) function and “lang” files. Getting data from a loop (article titles, section IDs, etc.) is also reasonably straightforward with champ_sql (FR).

For more examples, you can have a look at the code for some of SPIP’s built-in tags in the code of ecrire/public/balises.php (FR) (I rather like balise_INTRODUTION_dist (FR)). If you do look to the SPIP source code for examples, you should be aware that a lot of the built-in tags are not implemented using this mechanism, but are magically drawn from database columns with the same name. If you extend the database this magic will work for you too, but that is beyond the scope of this post and will have to wait for my post/s about writing SPIP plug-ins.

  1. In one sense, this is not entirely true: the function just manipulates the abstract syntax tree node for the tag which will then be processed by SPIP to generate the tag. For more on this see details of the AST (FR).↩︎

This post was published on November 19, 2008 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: spip, php, code, template, tags.