Wanted: LaTeX packages

Posted by Thomas Sutton on May 28, 2006

I’ve got a hankering to dig out my incomplete thesis and polish it off as an excuse to really get up to speed with LaTeX. As such, I’m looking for LaTeX packages that accomplish a number of tasks:

  • Unicode and symbols

    The main thing I’m after is a package that will allow me to ∧ instead of \wedge in my LaTeX source and have it Just Work (TM). A single package that provides consistent symbol handling would be nice too.

  • Meta-data support

    While [hyperref][] can be used to add PDF meta-data, and [xmpincl][] can
    include an RDF license when using `pdftex`, you still need to do it all
    yourself. It'd be nice if there was a module that would do it for you.
  • Font handling

    A single, consistent way to handle real fonts. I like Computer Modern as much as the next person, but once in a while I’d like to be able to use another font without having to wrestle with TeX.

I’ll admit that most of my desire for packages to address these issues is probably an issue more of my knowledge of existing code than that code’s availability, but it’d be nice if there was a little more consistency in my LaTeX environment and a lot more consistency in Google’s LaTeX search results.

This post was published on May 28, 2006 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: LaTeX, wishlist.