Posts tagged Python

There are 9 posts tagged with Python.

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Installing Dionysus on OS X

A quick guide to installing the Dionysus 2 Python module on OS X.

PyconAU 2012: Server performance

Notes from a talk about server performance at Pycon AU 2012.

PyconAU 2012: No, Bad Pony!

Notes from a talk about Django feature requests and why they don't get implemented at Pycon AU 2012.

PyconAU 2012: Message queueing

Notes from a talk about message queue solutions at Pycon AU 2012.

PyconAU 2012: Continuous Deployment

Notes from a talk about continuous deployment at Pycon AU 2012.

PyconAU 2012: Unexpected Day

Notes from a talk about using the Python FFI and libpcap at Pycon AU 2012.

PyconAU 2012: Testing and being lazy and stuff

Notes from a talk about testing Python web projects at Pycon AU 2012.

PyconAU 2012: Writing command-line applications

Notes from a talk about writing command-line applications in Python at Pycon AU 2012.

PyconAU 2012: Implementing a cloud service in Python

Notes from a talk at Pycon AU 2012.