Posts tagged howto

There are 28 posts tagged with howto.

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Splitting predefined GCP roles

A short sketch of automatically creating custom roles that split the permissions in a pre-defined GCP role based on a regex. This can be useful in an environment which requires, e.g., more control over permissions like Set IAM Policy.

Extract a CA certificate bundle from macOS Keychain

How to export CA root certificates from macOS keychain as a PEM file that can be used with tools that don't easily integrate with the system trust store (e.g. almost anything UNIX-y).

Ledger accounting with GnuPG

Transparently encrypt your Ledger CLI plain-text accounting journals with GnuPG.

Setup Yubikey with OpenPGP for git

Setup a new Yubikey with, add OpenPGP keys, and configure git and GitHub to use them.

Notes on AWK scripting

A few notes about using AWK to write more substantial scripts.

Use Colima to build and run containers on macOS

Use Colima for Docker and Kubernetes development on your Mac.

Installing OpenBSD on a Microsoft Surface Go 3

Installing OpenBSD 7.2 on a Microsoft Surface Go 3 and doing some basic setup.

Aborting supersede Jenkins builds

How to get Jenkins to abort running builds that are supersede by a later build.

Making GitHub pull request comments in a Jenkins pipeline

How to get a Jenkins multibranch pipeline build to post comments on your pull-requests.

Reducing TLS client security requirements on OpenSSL and GnuTLS

This is how to configure common GnuTLS and OpenSSL clients to allow connections with servers using TLS keys and parameters now considered insecure.