Posts tagged events

There are 21 posts tagged with events.

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2023 Japanese Film Festival

Short reviews of the films I saw at the 2023 Japanese Film Festival in Sydney.

Visiting the UK distilleries and breweries

Work took me to the UK for the greater part of 2022 and I took advantage of opportunity to visit breweries, distilleries, and places I haven't seen before.

2019 Japanese Film Festival

Films I saw at the 2019 Japanese Film Festival in Sydney.

Sydney Festival Concerts

I went to a few concerts as part of the Sydney Festival this year. Here's a quick list and some links.

2016 Japanese Film Festival

Films I saw at (and after) the 2016 Japanese Film Festival organised by the Japan Foundation, Sydney.

Second Annual FP-Syd Coq Fight

Last night was the second annual FP-Syd Coq Fight, the only competitive theorem proving event in the world! Here are some notes and a recording of the final round live stream.

Retcon and dynamic programming talks

I've given two talks in the last week or so: one on Retcon and another on dynamic programming in Haskell. Here are the slides.

My presentations on Speaker Deck

I've just created a Speaker Deck account to host slides from presentations I've given.

Planning for DrupalDownunder

I'm off to Brisbane later this month for DrupalDownunder (and LCA). This is a quick overview of the things I'm looking forward to.

Barcamp Perth rides again

Barcamp Perth 4.0 (or 2010, there seems to be some confusion) was held today at the Central Institute of Technology. Here are some notes about the day.