Archives: Page 13

The Ethos Effect by L. E. Modesitt Jr

Writing view decorators for Django

Using decorators to wrap and modify Django views is quick, easy, composable, and just about the most awesome thing I've seen in a while. It also takes a little bit of figuring out. Here's my explanation...

Notes on "Tuning MySQL performance"

Notes on "Statecharts and Numbats"

This post consists of my notes on the Statecharts and Numbats presentation by Harry McNally at Perth Barcamp 3.0.

Notes on Perth Barcamp 3

Some notes about Barcamp Perth 3.0.

Notes on "Building scalable web apps (and why no-one really bothers)"

Notes on "Adruino hacking"

Notes from a session on Arduino hacking are Barcamp Perth.

Notes on "Debunking Christianity"

Haskell FastCGI with Apache

Getting started writing web applications in Haskell is pretty easy with FastCGI.

Django form fields and templates

Determining the type of a form field object from a Django template requires writing a new filter.