Archives: Page 11

Welcome to LCA2010

So LCA2010 is underway. It's been busy and it's only day two (day one really), so I'll give a brief recap so that I can remember it later.

In Wellington for LCA2010 and DrupalSouth

I'm currently in Wellington, New Zealand for 2010 and DrupalSouth.

Progress with Jekyll

I've made a bit of progress hacking on this blog the last few nights...

Converting to Jekyll

This blog has been languishing for months now, nearly untouched. I'm changing that now, by throwing WordPress away and replacing it with Jekyll.

Nick Cowie's talk on Progressive Enhancement with CSS3

My notes on Nick Cowie's talk "Progressive Enhancement with CSS3" at Edge of the Web 2009.

Dmitry Baranovskiy's talk on Your JavaScript Library

My notes on Dmitry Baranovskiy's talk "Your JavaScript Library" at Edge of the Web, 2009.

Lachlan Hardy's session The Open Web

My notes on Lachlan Hardy's presentation "The Open Web" at Edge of the Web, 2009.

Anil Dash's keynote on "Next Year's Web"

My notes on Anil Dash's keynot speech on "Next Year's Web" at Edge of the Web, 2009.

Logging the locking in SPIP

The rather hackish way I instrumented SPIP to record debugging information about its file locking to a remote syslog server.

Edge of the Web 2009

A list of the sessions I plan to attend at the Edge of the Web, 2009.