Recently I’ve worked with a client who wanted to restrict access to any Set IAM Policy permissions in their Google Cloud Platform environment. Currently this is implemented by defining a small number of custom roles which fall into one of two groups:
Roles which include all the Set IAM Policy permissions for the necessary services;
Role/s which include all the non-Set IAM Policy permissions for the necessary services.
Currently these are defined by explicitly listing all the permissions that should be granted (as far as they are known at the time we edit the definition). I’ve recently been thinking about an approach that might help move toward a more manageable approach.
Use the Google pre-defined roles where possible. This will help make sure that documentation, error message, examples, etc. is more directly applicable to the client’s environment.
Some pre-defined roles can’t be used because they mix Set IAM Policy with other permissions that the client wants to manage separately. In this case, use Terraform to define custom roles, but do so based on the definition of the pre-defined role.
Here’s a sketch of what this might look like.
variable "target_role" {
type = string
description = "ID of the target role."
# Fetch the existing role.
data "google_iam_role" "role" {
name = var.target_role
locals {
role_components = split("/", var.target_role)
role_name = element(local.role_components, length(local.role_components) - 1)
# Every permission in the target role that **IS** a setIamPolicy permission.
setiam_permissions = [
for permission in data.google_iam_role.role.included_permissions:
permission if length(regexall("^.*[.]setIamPolicy$", permission)) == 1
# Every permission in the target role that **IS NOT** a setIamPolicy permission.
normal_permissions = [
for permission in data.google_iam_role.role.included_permissions:
permission if length(regexall("^.*[.]setIamPolicy$", permission)) == 0
resource "google_project_iam_custom_role" "nonpriv_role" {
role_id = "custom.${role_name}.nonpriv"
title = "${data.google_iam_role.role.title} - (Non-priv)"
description = "(Custom non-privileged version) ${data.google_iam_role.role.description}."
permissions = local.normal_permissions
resource "google_project_iam_custom_role" "priv_role" {
role_id = "custom.${role_name}.priv"
title = "${data.google_iam_role.role.title} - (Priv)"
description = "(Custom privileged version) ${data.google_iam_role.role.description}."
permissions = local.setiam_permissions
output "permissions_role" {
value = resource.google_project_iam_custom_role.nonpriv_role
output "set_iam_policy_role" {
value = resource.google_project_iam_custom_role.priv_role