Some ScalaCheck generators fail too much

ScalaCheck comes with generators which will happily try and, with high probability, fail to construct sets. Posted by Thomas Sutton on December 29, 2015

Most of the code I’ll be working with in my new job (BTW blog: I have a new job) is written in Scala and uses property based testing with ScalaCheck. Yesterday I ran into a problem with an existing test suite that suddenly began failing with too many discarded tests:

[info] FormattersSpec
[info]   Formatters are invertible for:
[info]     + Mapping
[info]     + Identifier
[error]     x Metadata
[error]  Gave up after only 39 passed tests. 197 tests were discarded. (FormattersSpec.scala:11)

This test generates random Metadata values and makes sure that they can be serialised and deserialised correctly (i.e. values can be round-tripped). The property being test here is identical, only the Arbitrary, Serialise, and Deserialise instances vary in each case. The truly odd thing is that the pertinent code looks like this:

case class Identifier(name: String)
case class Metadata (id: Identifier, maps: Set[Identifier])

implicit val ArbIdentifier = Arbitrary(
  for {
    name  <- arbitrary[String]
  } yield Identifier(name)

implicit val ArbMetadata = Arbitrary(
  for {
    identifier <- arbitrary[Identifier]
    mappings   <- arbitrary[Set[Identifier]]
  } yield Metadata(identifier, mappings)

My first step was redefining a few related Arbitrary instances to avoid using suchThat (which discards invalid values) but this didn’t fix the problem. Eventually I tried redefining ArbMetadata like this:

implicit val ArbMetadata = Arbitrary(
  for {
    identifier <- arbitrary[Identifier]
    mappings   <- Gen.const(Set.empty[Set[Identifier]])
  } yield Metadata(identifier, mappings)

and the problem went away. Trying to use arbitrary[Set[Identifier]] in various ways in the Scala REPL confirmed that it is the problem; we can easily generate as large a List[Identifier] as we like, but a Set[Identifier] fails fairly frequently:

// This always generates a Some[List[Identifier]] value.
Gen.listOfN(100, arbitrary[Identifier]).map(_.length).sample
// Sometimes we get a Some[List[Set[Identifier]]] and others None.
Gen.listOfN(100, arbitrary[Set[Identifier]]).map(_.length).sample

It appears as though whatever mechanism is used by arbitrary[Set[_]] to construct the sets, it doesn’t fails when the generator for the value type returns duplicate elements. You can confirm this easily by trying arbitrary[Set[Unit]]; any Gen[Unit] has no choice but to return a the single value of type Unit (or to fail) and, as expected, this almost never succeeds. Replacing the problematic arbitrary[Set[Identifier]] in the original code with arbitrary[Seq[Identifier]].map(_.toSet) resolves the issue: constructing a set from a list of possibly duplicate Identifiers always works.

After a bit of reading in the ScalaCheck source code it seems as though the root cause of this problem is some instance of CanBuildFrom[Set[_], A, Set[A]] but I’ve no idea how to go about figure out which one or why it’s broken. In any case, I now know a bit more about working with Scala.

For more information, see the ScalaCheck issue #89.

This post was published on December 29, 2015 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: scala, functional programming, work, testing, properties.