I’m currently working on a small RESTful API to control a system with a command-line interface. The command produces JSON output but it’s not really ideal to expose in an API. This post describes the approach I took to supporting two different JSON encodings for the same set of data types – one for communicating with API clients and another for communicating with the upstream system.
I’ll start with some data types to represent the data my API manages. In this post I’ll use the example of a painting robot. The robot can carry several colours of paint but can only paint with one “active” colour at a time. Here are some data types to represent these details:
newtype ColourName = ColourName { unColourName :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Colour = Colour
colorName :: ColourName
{ colourRGB :: (Word8, Word8, Word8)
}deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype RobotName = RobotName { unRobotName :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Robot = Robot
robotName :: RobotName
{ robotActiveColour :: ColourName
, robotAvailableColours :: [Colour]
, }
JSON for the API clients
The JSON encoding of Robot
that I’d like to provide to API clients is pretty
{ "name" : "Rosie the robot"
, "activeColour" : "red"
, "availableColours" :
{ "red" : { "R": 255, "G": 0, "B": 0}
, "green" : { "R": 0, "G": 255, "B": 0}
, "blue" : { "R": 0, "G": 0, "B": 255}
The Haskell code to parse this JSON using aeson is straightforward too
(though please note that the instances derived for the newtype
are only safe
to use within a larger JSON structure as they result in bare JSON strings,
not objects or arrays):
deriving instance FromJSON ColourName
deriving instance ToJSON ColourName
instance FromJSON [Colour] where
Object v) = mapM (uncurry colour) $ HashMap.toList v
parseJSON (where
Object o) = Colour
colour name (<$> parseJSON (String name)
<*> ((,,) <$> o .: "R" <*> o .: "G" <*> o .: "B")
= fail "Colour must be a JSON object"
colour _ _ = fail "Colours must be a JSON object"
parseJSON _
deriving instance FromJSON RobotName
deriving instance ToJSON RobotName
instance FromJSON Robot where
Object v) = Robot
parseJSON (<$> v .: "name"
<*> v .: "activeColour"
<*> v .: "availableColours"
= fail "Robot must be a JSON object" parseJSON _
To talk to the upstream system I’ll use the process library to execute a command which produces JSON on its standard output. A simple function to invoke a command, parse the JSON, and return the value (or an error) keeps the boilerplate contained:
shellOutJSON :: (MonadError String m, MonadIO m, FromJSON a)
=> String
-> [String]
-> m a
= do
shellOutJSON cmd args -- Execute the command.
<- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
(exit_code, out, _err)
-- Check it succeeded.
<- case exit_code of
output ExitSuccess -> return $ BS.pack out
ExitFailure err -> throwError $
"Could not execute command: error " <> show err
-- Decode the JSON.
case eitherDecode output of
Left e -> throwError $ "Error decoding JSON: " <> e
Right v -> return v
It’s important to note that the call site is responsible for fixing the type
of value to be parsed from the JSON. This means that shellOutJSON
happily attempt to parse the JSON into any type you ask it to (so long as it
has a FromJSON
instance), whether or not you should expect the command to
produce such JSON. The obvious potential problem – a caller asking for data in
the wrong format – occurred twice in a dozen lines of code in my current
JSON for the upstream system
The second JSON encoding is the one used to communicate with the command-line
application. The main difference from the API encoding is that it represents
the active colour by adding a status
property to each colours; exactly one of
them is active
and the rest are available
. Rosie the robot is looks like
{ "name" : "Rosie the robot"
, "colours" :
{ "red" : { "R": 255, "G": 0, "B": 0, "status": "active"}
, "green" : { "R": 0, "G": 255, "B": 0, "status": "available"}
, "blue" : { "R": 0, "G": 0, "B": 255, "status": "available"}
This is structure is great if you are using the data to output a nice table for a human to read but not so great in an API.
This additional format could be implemented with new data types to represent
robots and colours and a few conversion functions (probably using the excellent
lens package) to represent the weirdly formatted versions of our types. Or
I could keep the same data types but create a newtype
wrapper around each of
them with new FromJSON
instances implementing the new format.
Instead I’ll add a “wrapper” type with which to distinguish a normal Robot
from one which should be formatted for the upstream system.
data Upstream a = Upstream { unwrapUpstream :: a }
This new type doesn’t “do” anything, it just tags the value it wraps and lets
me distinguish a Robot
from an Upstream Robot
which should be formatted for
the API and the upstream system respectively. (This is not strictly true: it
does take up memory and does cost an additional pointer dereference to
traverse). With the new Upstream
type I can write a second FromJSON
instance each of my types.
If there is no special upstream format for a type the new instance can just
call the existing instance and stuff the result in an Upstream
instance FromJSON (Upstream [Colour]) where
= Upstream <$> parseJSON j parseJSON j
When the upstream encoding and the API encoding do differ, I write a FromJSON
instance in exactly the same way I normally would (making sure to use the
version of any other FromJSON
instances I use):
instance FromJSON (Upstream Robot) where
Object v) = Upstream <$>
parseJSON (Robot
(<$> v .: "name"
<*> (v .: "colours" >>= activeColours >>= exactlyOne)
<*> (unwrapUpstream <$> v .: "colours"))
-- Parse a JSON object of colours into a list of 'ColourName's which
-- have @status == "active".
activeColours :: Value -> Parser [ColourName]
Object o) = (fmap fst . filter snd) <$>
activeColours (mapM (uncurry colour) (HM.toList o)
= fail "Colours must be a JSON object."
activeColours _
-- Given a name and a JSON value, parse a pair containing the name and
-- whether the colour has @status == "active"@.
colour :: Text -> Value -> Parser (ColourName, Bool)
Object o) = (,)
colour name (<$> parseJSON (String name)
<*> ((String "active" ==) <$> (o .: "status"))
= fail "Colour must be a JSON object."
colour _ _
= fail "Robot must be a JSON object"
parseJSON _
-- | Parser to check that a list contains exactly one value.
exactlyOne :: [a] -> Parser a
= fail "Missing value"
exactlyOne [] = pure a
exactlyOne [a] = fail "More than one value" exactlyOne _
With all these instances written I can update shellOutJSON
to use the
instances when it interacts with the command-line program. Two small
changes – adding Upstream
to the FromJSON
constraint and the “success”
pattern match – are enough to ensure that all communication with the
upstream system uses the Upstream
JSON encoding:
shellOutJSON :: (MonadError String m, MonadIO m, FromJSON (Upstream a))
=> [String]
-> m a
= do
shellOutJSON cmd -- Execute the command.
<- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode cmd [] ""
(exit_code, out, _err)
-- Check it succeeded.
<- case exit_code of
output ExitSuccess -> return $ BS.pack out
ExitFailure err -> throwError $
"Could not execute command: errno = " <> show err
-- Decode the JSON.
case eitherDecode output of
Left e -> throwError $
"Error decoding JSON: " <> e
Right (Upstream v) -> return v
Now any call to shellOutJSON
will automatically parse using the correct JSON
encoding and any existing code using shellOutJSON
doesn’t have to change.
Even better, any call which needs a type without an Upstream
instance of
will result in a type error at run time:
Could not deduce (FromJSON (Upstream Colour))
arising from a use of ‘shellOutJSON’
from the context (MonadError String m, MonadIO m)
bound by the type signature for
getColour :: (MonadError String m, MonadIO m) =>
ColourName -> m Colour
at lib/Server.hs:(109,8)-(112,18)
In a stmt of a 'do' block: shellOutJSON cmd ["colour", "list", colour_name]
In the expression:
shellOutJSON cmd ["colour", "list", color_name]
In an equation for ‘getColour’:
getColour name
= do { let colour_name = T.unpack $ unColourName name
shellOutJSON cmd ["colour", ....] }
The second line of the error tells you exactly what’s missing: the compiler
can’t find a FromJSON
instance for Upstream Colour
By using a “wrapper” type like Upstream a
I reduced the amount of code I need
to write and maintain (in particular, there’s no converting back and forth
between Colour
and WeirdlyFormattedColour
data types). The values of my
various types are clearly still related and Upstream
is completely agnostic
to the type being wrapped – an Upstream Robot
is just a Robot
inside an
and neither the Robot
not the Upstream
cares about the other
part at all.
Making the wrapper parametric like this (as opposed to, for example, creating
a different newtype
wrapper around each of the particular types) makes i
possible to write code which – like the modified shellOutJSON
– doesn’t
care about the what is being wrapped, just that it is wrapped.
Adding and removing the Upstream
wrapper at the system boundary minimises the
amount code which can incorrectly use the wrong representation and, in
particular, makes it impossible for these bugs to happen in the many places
I use shellOutJSON
. This forces me to define wrapped FromJSON
instances for
all the types, even the ones that use the same JSON representation, but this
is a price I’m willing to pay for an interface that makes a class of errors
Using this approach in my current project made the code shorter, simpler (in terms of number of data types and functions defined), fixed two “wrong format” bugs, and made it impossible to reintroduce them.