Suppose you have two git repositories which don’t share any history
and you’d like to import the files in one into the other. For the sake
of example, I’ll call the source repository (the one which contains
the commits I want to import) nirvana
and the target repository
(the one I want to put the commits into) midgard
. I’ll also assume
that I’m interested in the master
branch of both repositories.
Warning Some of the commands I’m going to use have the potential to damage the history of your git repository. If you aren’t sure what any of the commands below do you should make a backup of your repository before proceeding.
The process goes like this:
- Clone a new copy of
. - Add a remote for
. - Create a
branch based onnirvana/master
. - Rewrite the
branch commit messages and file structure. - Rebase the
branch onmidgard/master
. - Push the
branch upstream (to PR, review, or whatever).
Preparing a working repository
I hate having to restore repositories from backup (especially when I don’t have backups and have to rely on my local clones) so I always make a throw-away clone when I’m rewriting history, etc.
git clone import-nirvana
cd import-nirvana
git remote add nirvana
git fetch nirvana
These commands give me a new clone of the midgard
repository, and add a
remote and fetch the nirvana
Preparing for import
Once I have the commits it’s time to massage them gently into shape
ready for import. In my case, I want to add Nirvana:
to the front
of every commit message (so that I can tell which sub-project a commit
changes when I review the git log
) and move everything in the
repository into a nirvana
sub-directory (to avoid
clobbering build scripts, etc. which exist in both).
These changes involve rewriting history so I’ll do them on a new
branch. If [when] I screw it up the first few times I’ll be
able to discard the branch and try again without cloning and fetching
both repositories from scratch.
git checkout -b rewrite nirvana/master
Rewriting the commit messages is conceptually easy but kind of
annoying when using git-filter-branch
. The --msg-filter
takes a command which accepts the current commit message on its
standard input and must produce the new message on its standard
output. Using echo
and cat
to add “Nirvana:” to the start of the
first line looks like this:
git filter-branch --msg-filter '/bin/echo -n "Nirvana: " && cat'
Moving the files into a subdirectory called nirvana
is essentially
the same but the command (passed to --tree-filter
this time) is
quite a bit more complex. Instead of echo
ing some text and then
ing the current message we’ll mkdir
a new directory and then
the files into it.
git filter-branch --tree-filter 'mkdir -p nirvana &&
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name nirvana -exec mv {} nirvana
\;' HEAD
I’ve used mkdir -p nirvana
to create the directory if it does not
already exist. One thing you need to be careful of when mv
ing your
files into the new nirvana
directory is that you don’t attempt to
move the nirvana
directory into itself. If you are using bash
some other “advanced” shell you can enable and use negative globbing
but I prefer to use find
to select only the files I want to move.
Here find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name nirvana
looks at the
current directory and finds every file (or directory) which is:
- At least 1 level deep (i.e. not just
); and - At most 1 level deep; and
- Not named
Then each match is substituted for the {}
in the mv {} nirvana ;
and the command is executed. This moves everything except nirvana/
into nirvana/
Merging branches
All that remains is to graft the newly prepared rewrite
branch onto
the existing midgard/master
history so that they can be merged
together. Because the tree of every commit in rewrite
has been
rewritten to have all files under the nirvana/
directory it should
be trivial to rebase the rewrite
branch on the midgard/master
git rebase origin/master
This should go through without any intervention. If it does not, you
probably already have a directory called nirvana/
with some of the
same files as the rewrite
branch. You’ll need to resolve any
conflicts that git
reports in the same way you usually do but be
sure to use the git rebase
commands to continue!
With that done the branch is ready to merge but I usually take this
opportunity to git rebase -i
and squash some commits, update build
scripts to build the imported code, etc. Once this is done I generally
push the branch into the origin repository (midgard
git push -u review origin/import-nirvana
And then open a pull request for my team mates to review.