Database access library for SQL databases. Focusses on the database side of things (rather than domain model). Just a nice simple SQL database access layer. Supports lots of (SQL) databases and several Python runtimes.
While Django focusses on the database access needs for web applications, SQLAlchemy is aimed on the broad range of database applications. This makes SQLA harder to learn and far more flexible, exposing far more of the relation model.
Layered architecture:
Core provides and abstraction of Python’s DBAPI. Generates SQL in Python code (EDSL?). Bulk operations, complex queries, etc.
Schema handles DDL-type metadata.
Expressions handled DML-type operations. Dialects, pooling, etc.
Installing is easy:
$ pip install sqlalchemy
query = vehicals_table.select()
print query
> SELECT vehicals.name
> FROM vehicls
Query objects are mutable.
query.where(vehicals_table.c.odometer < 10000)
Robot Framework
Yet another testing framework.
Framework for “aceptance testing and acceptance testing driven development”. Developed by Nokia Siemens Networks, contributions by Google? Pretty old.
Yet another attempt to make things easy for non programmers by deleting all the syntax (except the number of spaces between things, of course that’s meaningful; how could anyone not see that?)
Keywords (just sequences of keywords which are defined elsewhere); libraries of keywords.
Gherkin syntax for BDD (for people who think BDD and cucumber are related).
Generates reports in HTML format (plus XML). Includes screenshots when using the Selenium library.
Library to add annotations to screenshots for use in documentation, etc.
YAML, jinja and Python; all with significant white space.
Configuration management solutions should (in Daniel’s option) have: visibility, repeatability, iterability.