import ctypes
import ctypes.util
# Open the SO
libpcap_name = ctypes.util.find_library('pcap')
libpcap = ctypes.CDLL(libpcap_name)
# Start capturing
errbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256)
handle = libpcap.pcal_open_live("any", 65535, 0, 0, errbuf)
# Check the error
errbuf.value == 'socket: Operation not permitted'
# Add properties on the function
# .errcheck = function
# .argtypes = [...]
# .restype = ...
class c_timecal(ctypes.Structure):
_fields = [
("tv_sec", ctypes.c_ulong),
("tv_usec", ctypes.c_ulong),
This post was published on August 18, 2012 and last modified
on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: event, PyconAU 2012, Python, spelunking, packets, networks, ffi.