What turns an idea into a bad pony?
Is just wrong, impractical, doesn’t fit design.
Take project in wrong direction
Doesn’t come with an offer of assistance.
Ideas that are wrong:
violates a standard of best practice
can’t be implemented
Rusty Russell Interface Level too high
Idea violates DRY.
Impractical ideas:
Not obviously wrong, but they aren’t right either.
Solving a problem that doesn’t exist. E.g: DB cache doesn’t use the ORM.
Changes the design contract. (e.g:
doesn’t touch existing tables, even though it could add manytomany, but doesn’t)Address smaller parts of a larger problem.
Architecture astronauting. Practicality counts; perfectionists with deadlines, etc.
All the pieces that are part of Django have the same flavour, built by the same team, we like them.
Replacing the template engine, the ORM, the test framework, etc. is not going to happen: we’re happy with and want what we have.
“I love Django but it’d be great if it was completely different.” is never going to be compelling.
The small learning curve (Forms and Models look very similar) is one of the good things about Django.
Ignores philosophy
“Add GROUP BY, HAVING to ORM” misses the point that the ORM is not SQL, by default.
Adding AJAX to Forms; Django is a server-side framework.
Just add a settings
“A setting is a decision deferred”
Simplicity is a virtue, just adding settings to core makes Django more complex and harder to learn.
Wrong direction
Feature creep. Django is not a web-server or a database or anything else; it won’t add features for these things, just use one of them.
Add a backend. None of these things need to be in core. Adding it to core really means: “please look after this thing for me”. This is why there are backend APIs.
The core doesn’t need to do everything, the community can do awesome stuff, just because it’s in core doesn’t mean it’s good.
Adding apps to
: what does we get from pulling them in? Nothing, except a slower development schedule. If anything we’re pulling things out of contrib.What is
? “An collection of optional, defacto standard implementations of common patterns.” These are pretty much universal. Tagging, etc.: not so much (and which one).
Non technical
Here’s a big job (but I’d like someone else to do it please)
Process suggestions. If you want news round ups, more blog posts, etc., then pitch in!
Massive features: schema evolution, support for non-SQL data stores,
How do you get your pony?
NO Putting your name on the ticket CC or saying “me to”.
NO Posting hyperbole on your blog because it doesn’t have X.
NO Playing games in the ticket tracker.
Offer to help
Or actually help out! Don’t just write code, advocate for your code (why else will someone review).