PyconAU 2012: Message queueing

Notes from a talk about message queue solutions at Pycon AU 2012. Posted by Thomas Sutton on August 19, 2012




Basically a socket; no broker; no persistence.


Complete implementation of AMQP, plus extra stuff too. Each exchange is a separate process in RabbitMQ.


AMQP is a standard protocol for message queueing. Producers, brokers, consumers; exchanges and queues.


Three types of exchanges:

  1. Direct exchanges transmit a message with a matching routing key into the queue it is bound to.

  2. Topic exchanges transmit messages with a routing key which matches a pattern into the queue it is bound to.

  3. Fanout exchanges transmit a message to all queues it is bound to.

Mark exchange durable. Mark queues durable. Both need to be durable to connect to each other. Also: clients need to ask for durable.

Message persistence: set “deliverymode=2” on the message.


Have queues on both sides of the cloud, so if the tubes get clogged messages are stored on either side.

RabbitMQ has a server plugin called Shovel which will forward the messages in a queue to a queue on another RabbitMQ server. This works around the fact that you can’t connect a queue to a queue.

Configuring it is basically writing an Erlang program.

Web Interface

Default credentials: guest / guest




This post was published on August 19, 2012 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: event, PyconAU 2012, Python, messaging, queues.