While Brisbane and Queensland are in the grip of some fairly serious flooding (please consider donating to the Queensland state government relief fund) the official word is that DrupalDownunder will be going ahead so I’ve been going through the programme and narrowing down the sessions I want to see. There are a few bits and pieces I’m not sure of, but my weekend is going to look something like this:
On Saturday there’re two keynote sessions and five slots with competing sessions.
The Exportables session by Simon Hobbs will no doubt help in my quest to develop a reliable and efficient workflow at work.
Allie Micka’s keynote Running a Drupal business and contributing to Drupal sustainably is a keynote and sounds interesting enough, if not quite my cup of tea.
Dave Hall’s Building Distributions with Drupal 7 will, again, help in my quest for standardisation and automation to simplify workflows.
Josh Waihi’s keynote Goodbye Centralization, Hello Distribution: An Introduction to Git, is an introduction to git (which I already use and am relatively familiar with).
Given the number of times I’ve been asked about options for paid membership, the Paid Membership Sites session by Chris Hood will scratch an itch of mine (which other people have been tickling).
As I’ve implemented two or three custom CCK fields (and others on my team have implemented another few), Ivan Zugec’s session on Fields in Core: How to create a custom field is sure to be interesting.
Dries’ keynote session with details to come is by Dries. And a keynote. And by Dries.
My choices on Sunday are less clear cut in spite of having a choice in only four slots:
I expect John Zornig session about Building a document management system in Drupal to be inspiring when combined with my recent interest in Solr-based search.
Both Turbo charge your Drupal site by Kim Pepper and Fancy Pants WYSIWYG Editing by Boris Gordon sound interesting and useful.
I’ve got a bunch of projects coming up at work that need payment solutions of various types so The Payment api and its framework approach to module development by Allie Micka will obviously be useful, but I’m personally interested in systems administration and performance so Horizontally Scaling Drupal by Dave Hall sounds interesting. Simple page layouts and customisations using Views, CCK and CSS by Dale Baldwin sounds a bit entry level.
Both Case-Study: ABC Dig Music by David Peterson and Migrating to a Drupal Web Environment by Fiona Bush sound like they’ll have interesting insights. I’ll probably go Fiona’s session, if only because I went to ANU for a while.
Josh Koenig’s keynote session details to come.
Lightning talks are alway good (or, at least, over quickly).
Now that I’ve thought about it these plans will be making their way into my calendar.