I’m currently in Wellington, New Zealand for linux.conf.au 2010 and then DrupalSouth. It’s going to be a pretty awesome week! I’m looking forward to getting back up to speed with Linux which I’ve used only superficially for the last few years after switching, on a lark, to FreeBSD and then to Mac OS X.
I’m looking forward to seeing just how much Linux has changed since I last built my own kernel (circa 2003).
I’ll be going to the Open programming languages, Multicore and Parallel Computing, Data Storage & Retrieval, and System Administration miniconfs. Session wise, I intend to look in on most of the kernel and low-level user space talks that I can.
After LCA per se is done (but during open day, unfortunately) I’ll be at DrupalSouth to pick up some more Drupal-fu by osmosis.
If you’re interested, you can see more LCA and Drupal specific articles in the LCA archive and Drupal archive.