SPIP is a great content management system, but there are a few of it’s
features that I dislike. One of the most directly user visible is it’s
formatting language for text content (the “typographical shortcuts”).
This language is effective enough in many circumstances but I find it
a little ugly and it has some fairly important limitations (try doing
multiple paragraphs in a list item without hackish <br/>
s, for
example). Thankfully, the “shortcuts” are implemented as a “treatment”
for the #TEXTE
, etc. tags and can be overridden quite easily.
In this post I’ll describe how SPIP’s “treatments” work and how they can be overridden. In the process, you’ll see how to replace the built-in typographical shortcuts with my favourite light-weight mark-up language – PHP Markdown Extra and Smartypants – as well as a few less intrusive “tweaks”.
SPIP’s template language is based on the idea of loops – which “loop” over the results of a database query – and “tags” – which output the value of a column from the current row1. If all you want to do is loop over the contents of a database table and output some values then you don’t have to “do” anything:
<BOUCLE_aloop(my_table){par acolumn}>
SPIP will do what you want without any additional code of
configuration (assuming that your table is called my_table
and has
columns called acolumn
and another_column
). This “default”
behaviour (assuming that loops and tags match with tables and columns)
makes it very easy to add new loops and tags: just modify the database
schema and it all “works”.
There are lots of circumstances, though, where some additional processing will need to be done on values before they are suitable for display. Perhaps some special characters need to be escaped or some formatting applied before the data it is suitable for output. You could just apply a filter to the tag each and every time you use it:
Or implement the tag in PHP:
function balise_ANOTHER_COLUMN_dist($p) {
$p->code = 'process_data('
.champ_sql('another_column', $p)
return $p;
Thankfully, you don’t have to filter the tag in every template, or
implement the tag in PHP to use such “treatments”: you can just tell
SPIP what function/s to call with the $table_des_traitements
The $table_des_traitements
variable is an array of arrays (hence the
”) which SPIP uses to figure out exactly how to process a raw
database value into something that is safe to output in a page. The
“first” dimension of the array is the tag name – TEXTE
etc. – and the second is the loop – documents
, articles
, etc.
When SPIP is evaluating a tag (whether or not it has been implemented
in PHP), it checks the $table_des_traitements
array to see if there
is a “treatment” for that tag/loop combination or, failing that, for
the tag everywhere (the 0
th element in the array). This happens in
and takes the “star” into account (where adding a *
to the end of
a tag suppresses automatic filtering).
You can see the default values in
but lets consider the trivial example of removing the leading number
from all #TITRE
s with the supprimer_numero
filter (completely
ignoring the normal processing):
global $table_des_traitements;
$table_des_traitements['TITRE'][] = 'supprimer_numero(%s)';
Another trivial example might be to transform the #TEXTE
of all
sections (but not articles, etc) to uppercase2 (again ignoring the
normal processing):
global $table_des_traitements;
$table_des_traitements['TEXTE']['rubriques'] = 'strtoupper(%s)';
Getting back to my goal of replacing SPIP’s built-in typographical
shortcuts language with the PHP
Markdown and
Smartypants. The
entry in interfaces.php
has the value 'propre(%s, $connect)'
. Replacing this call to propre()
(which implements the
typographical shortcuts) is simply a matter of installing the
and smartypants.php
scripts and adding a similar line
to our mes_options.php
global $table_des_traitements;
include_once "markdown.php";
include_once "smartypants.php";
$table_des_traitements['TEXTE'][] = 'SmartyPants(Markdown(%s))';
Now the value set in interfaces.php
will be
instead of
and our new value will be the
Alas, there is one very large drawback to doing this. While I’ve
replaced the very limited typographical shortcuts with the much more
powerful Markdown, this change has also removed the ability to embed
models in the TEXTE
of articles, sections, etc. It’s now harder to
use images and documents within texte
and completely impossible to
embed forms and other interactive elements.
This is a serious drawback which I’ve still not figured out how to work around.
Please note that I am grossly oversimplifying things here: loops can loop over other data, and tags can do much, much more than merely output values from a database. But this is the basis for much of the design and implementation and is the default behaviour.↩︎
And thus probably breaking your document as XML tag and attribute names are case sensitive and XHTML defines them all as lower-case.↩︎