There are my notes from Dmitry Baranovkiy’s session called Your JavaScript Library. Dmitry is a JavaScript developer at Atlassian, creator of Raphaël and gRaphaël JavaScript libraries.
You can see the slides on slideshare.
Unlike the server-side, you don’t have a choice on client-end development: you pretty much must use JavaScript.
At Atlassian, they’ve got a number of products and have abstracted their own JavaScript library out of those code bases.
Why should I write a library of my own?
Everyone has snippets of JS they use on every project (trim
). You build your little library of snippets, you share it
with your colleagues and friends, etc. and eventually you’ve got a library
Roughly divided into:
- low level: taking care of nitty, gritty things like abstracting over DOM.
- high level:
- toolboxes:
- widgets:
API & Functionality
The API is more important than functionality. The Twitter functionality, for example, is primitive, while it’s API is awesome.
Spend 80% on API, 20% on functionality.
Your library is the answer. What is the question? If your library is to be the “correct” answer, you’ll need to know the question, back to front.
Who is the target? Who will use the library and how? From, Java, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript?
A good API looks as simple as the functionality it provides.
JavaScript is your friend. Don’t try to “fix” it (i.e. reimplement class-based OO).
Performance of JavaScript is usually a bottleneck. It’s a cause for complaints, no matter what, so make it as fast as possible. Develop and test on IE6, because it’s going to be run their and it’s very, very, slow.
Some tips:
Array iteration with
instead offor
. (Just a matter ofi <= a.length
, I think).Implement memoization (an object hidden in a closure). You could even implement this as a higher-order function.
See JavaScript Performance Rocks by Thomas Fuchs and Amy Hoy.
Lots of frameworks have animation functionality. Not only is it pretty, but it’s also useful (UI, affordances, etc.).
Animation has a drastic effect on performance: while an “onclick” handler might be called on a few times, an animation function will be called a few thousand times. A second.
Don’t trust setTimeout()
. Your function won’t be called in 10 ms. It
will be called sometime, hopefully in around 10 ms.
Unlike most other environments, JavaScript libraries need to be bulletproof as they will be expected to co-exist with other libraries, user code, etc.
Global scope
Treat it like a public toilet. You can’t avoid it, but while you’re there have the least contact possible: you have no idea who has been here, or what they’ve done, and no idea who and what will come after.
Use a closure to hide your own library-level “global” stuff.
Native Prototypes
Adding methods to the prototypes of native types (String
, Number
etc.) can be dangerous.
Never, ever touch Object.prototype
. It’s just that dangerous. Worse:
you can’t rely on the fact that no-one else touched it.
Adding, e.g. = 3
can break everything that does
a foreach
over objects. Use Object.hasOwnProperty()
to make sure
it’s in the object, and not just in it’s prototype.
Checking if something is an Array
: object && (object instanceof Array)
. Will return false if object
is from another context (an
, for example). Do not forget about
Another problem is the fact that undefined
is just a variable (and
someone else can change it). If you need it, define your own (without
a value) or, just don’t use it: this.set(a || 5)
this.set(undefined == a ? 5 : a)
JS is one of the only environments in which code size counts. Reducing your code size is important for performance, etc. (network traffic, caching, etc.)
There a bunch of tools to shrink and compres JavaScript)
- JSMin
- Dojo ShrinkSafe
- Packer
- YUI Compressor (w/ gzip is best)
Raphael, e.g. is 121K, 52K minified, 18K gzipped.
Using local names for built-in functions can allow these tools to
generate short names, and then use the smaller name at call sites.
Adding, e.g., var parseFloat = parseFloat;
can replace all the
calls in the minimized version with calls to, e.g.,
. We add some code and the minimized version gets smaller!
- 394b original = 235b minified
- 427b original = 216b minified (with
var parseFloat = parseFloat;
Every function call, takes time (especially on IE6). Rather than
wrapping functions (like setAttribute
) with local wrapper functions,
you can use a variable for the name and use subscripting to access the
var setAttribute = "setAttribute";
"width", 320); element[setAttribute](
Error Handling
Don’t use an error handling function: all you’re doing is making sure that your error messages (when an exception is thrown) doesn’t tell you where the error was.
Always use JSLint. If you haven’t run your code through JSLint, then it’s not really JavaScript. It’s not about being cool, or smart, etc. It’s about saving time and bugs.
Share the magic
Once your library is done (and awesome!), share the magic! Open it up and let others see and use and contribute.
Questions and Answers
Have you looked at ways to make your code better for the modern JIT JavaScript engines?
He’s not bothered with the new engines, etc. and won’t be while IE6 is on the list of supported browsers. Until that point, it’s something of a struggle to get anything to run fast enough on IE.