I’m looking forward to attending Edge of the Web 2009. The programme looks pretty interesting, though some of the abstracts are a teensy bit vague.
I’m currently planning to attend the keynote presentations:
- Anil Dash – Next Year’s Web
- Alex Payne – The Importance of Language: How The Technologies We Use Shape the Web; and
- Derek Powazek – Wisdom of Community. And the panel thingo.
And I’ve decided on the following sessions:
- Lachlan Hardy – Building Better, Cheaper Sites on the Open Web
- Dmitry Baranovskiy – Writing Better JavaScript Libraries
- Kevin Yank – CSS Frameworks: Make the Right Choice
- Darcy Laycock & Matt Didcoe – Making your website aware/geoaware
- Justin Mclean – A practical guide to connecting hardware to the web
That leaves only the Wednesday afternoon session to decided. I’m not much for lawyers or the law, so I’m going to have to choose between:
- Nick Cowie – Progressive Enhancement with CSS: Or how I stopped worrying about IE6 and started loving CSS3; and
- Myles Eftos – Stuff They Never Taught You at Website School.
On Friday I’m going to two of the workshops:
- Twitter Platform In-Depth – Alex Payne; and
- JavaScript: beyond the DOM and AJAX – Dmitry Baranovskiy.
In addition to the conference, I’m going to a few of the fringe events:
A busy week.