Creating custom tags for SPIP - Dynamic Tags

Posted by Thomas Sutton on March 11, 2009

A lot of the content on modern web-sites is dynamic: from lists of “currently online” user and targeted advertising, to widgets full of live data, dynamism is as much the catch cry of the Web 2.0 as “user created content”. To add dynamic elements like these to your SPIP site, you’ll need to make use of it’s facility for dynamic tags (or break out into PHP, but then what’s the point of a template language?). In this article I’ll describe SPIP’s dynamic tags and how to create your own. I’ll also touch a little on SPIP plug-ins as they’ll make things a little easier.

If you haven’t already read Creating custom tags for SPIP – Static tags – the previous post in this little series – you probably should do or this might seem a bit confusing.

Dynamic tags in SPIP

SPIP is fairly complex and its design and implementation make it quite expensive to generate pages. To stop this high cost from making it completely unusable, SPIP has a built-in caching mechanism to ensure that that it can serve most requests quickly. This makes process of generating a page and displaying it to the user a little more complex in SPIP than it is in most systems. Thankfully, it’s not too much more complex:

Briefly (and a little inaccurately), the process of turning a SPIP template into HTML fit for a client goes like this:

  1. Parse the template into an AST
  2. Evaluate the static portions of the AST
  3. Generate PHP to calculate the dynamic portions at run-time
  4. Cache this PHP for future requests
  5. Evaluate the PHP and send 1 the HTML to the client
// Handle the #DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE tag.
function balise_DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE($p) {
        $args = array();
        return calculer_balise_dynamique($p, // The AST node for this tag
                'DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE', // The name of the tag
                $args); // The environment to capture

// Determine the static parameters for the #DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE tag.
// The arguments to the tag and filters applied to it are passed in as
// the arguments to this function.
function balise_DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE_stat($args, $filters) {
        // Calculate the current date and time...
        $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

        // Return the arguments to pass to the dynamic calls...
        return array($now);

// Calculate the dynamic value to be output. The array values 
// returned by balise_DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE_stat are passed in 
// the arguments.
function balise_DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE_dyn($then) {
        // Determine the current time.
        $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

        // Return a message containing the value from
        // balise_DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE_stat and the value we just
        // generated.
        $s = "Page generated: $then<br />Now: $now";

        return $s;

When we use #DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE in a template, SPIP calls out gathers up all the values we asked for in $args (nothing, in this case), and passes them to balise_DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE_stat. It then takes the array returned by that call and generates some code like "balise_DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE_dyn('2008-12-01 22:22:22')" which forms part of the PHP code generated from the AST.

Adding a user-interface

Given the great lengths the developers have gone to to make SPIP easy to customise, it’d be silly if dynamic tags were limited to returning a string to be output. Thankfully, they aren’t. Instead of returning a string to output, dynamic tags can return an array which will be used to find, parse and render a template with dynamic content. Rather than modifying the code that implements a tag, web-masters can just create a new template in their squelettes/ folder overriding the default one to generate the output they want.

When using this feature, the balise_*_dyn() function returns an array containing three elements:

  1. the name of the template to evaluate;
  2. the amount of time the result can be cached2; and
  3. an environment array to be passed (as #ENV) to the template.

The previous example modified to use a template might look like this:

function balise_DYNAMIC_EXAMPLE_dyn($then) {
        $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

        $env = array(
            'then' => $then,
            'now' => $now,
        return array('formulaires/dynamic_example', 0, $env);

With a template called squelettes/formulaires/dynamic_example.html like so:

    Page generated: #ENV{then}<br />
    Now: #ENV{now}

Going Further

I’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible using SPIP’s dynamic tags feature in this article, but most of the ground work is here. In a few shorter articles I’ll be posting later today, I’ll describe some tricks and techniques that can help make the most of SPIP’s tags – both static and dynamic – and other features.

  1. SPIP also does a second round of caching here, but we’ll ignore it for the time being.↩︎

  2. This is for the second round of caching alluded to in footnote 1.↩︎

This post was published on March 11, 2009 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: .