Authorising user actions in SPIP

One of the APIs that many SPIP plug-ins will need to use is `autoriser()` -- the function which determines whether a user should be permitted to perform a given operation. As I couldn't find any document on using this function, here are a few notes. Posted by Thomas Sutton on March 30, 2009

One of the APIs that many SPIP plug-ins will need to use is autoriser() – the function which determines whether a user should be permitted to perform a given operation. As I couldn’t find any document on using this function, I’ll provide a few notes below.

Checking that a user if authorised to perform an action is a little more haphazard than I’d like in SPIP (“No authorisation check? No worries!” is not a particularly comforting approach), but it seems to get the job done even if it does depend on more developer discipline than seems warranted. Checking that a user is “authorised” to perform an action is done by calling the autoriser() function with arguments to describe the operation. If it returns true then the operation is authorised, it not, then it isn’t.

Like most of SPIP’s core functions, autoriser is implemented in a way that makes it easy to override and extend its functions: rather than make any decision itself, it simply delegates the decision to the first function it finds that can decide for that type of operation and object (or object, or operation).

First, though, lets look at autoriser’s arguments:

function autoriser_dist($faire, $type='', $id=0, $qui = NULL, $opt = NULL)

This first (and only required) argument is $faire (French, I’m told, for “to do”) which takes a string: the name of the operation. The second argument $type is another string: the type of object being operated on; and the third is an integer: the ID of the particular object, if there is one. The fourth, $qui (“who”) is an array of details of the current user; and the fifth, I assume, is an array of optional values if the previous four are not enough to make some decisions).

Only the first of these – the operation being performed – is required and only the first should need to be specified in the vast majority of situations (it’ll work out the user by itself and there are many operations without a $type or an $id). Once it’s been called, autoriser uses these values to look for a function that can make a decision for the given type and operations.

You can see the code of /ecrire/inc/autoriser.php (around line 87) for the particular functions that it will call, but the full list of alternatives that ‘’autoriser($faire, $type, $id, $qui, $opts)’’ is (in order of preference):

  1. autoriser_$type_$faire()
  2. autoriser_$type()
  3. autoriser_$faire()
  4. autoriser_default()
  5. autoriser_$type_$faire_dist()
  6. autoriser_$type_dist()
  7. autoriser_$faire_dist()
  8. autoriser_default_dist()

Adding authorisation checks to your plug-in is easy: just implement one of these checking functions (in a file that’ll be included by a <fonctons> entry in your plugin.xml file is probably best) and then get autoriser to call it when appropriate.

From aplugin_fonctions.php or some other file:

 * Perform authorisation checks for "elephant" objects.
function autoriser_elephant($faire, $type='elephant', $id=0, $qui=NULL, $opt=NULL) {
   if ( '0minirezo' == $qui['statut'] ) {
       return true;
   return false;

With this code in place, only administrators will be able to perform actions (or, strictly speaking, perform actions checked with the autoriser function) on elephant objects. Any call specifying $type='elephant' will use the above function to determine if the operation should proceed.

In exec/anaction.php or similar, we might use code like this:

if ( autoriser('kill', 'elephant', $id_elephant) ) {
   launch_missiles_at('elephant', $id_elephant);
} else {
   echo _T('aplugin:cannot_shoot_elephant'), _T('aplugin:permission_denied');

Which will try the following functions, in order, to decide whether or not to launch_missiles_at() our poor elephant:

  1. autoriser_elephant_kill()
  2. autoriser_elephant()
  3. autoriser_kill()
  4. autoriser_default()
  5. autoriser_elephant_kill_dist()
  6. autoriser_elephant_dist()
  7. autoriser_kill_dist()
  8. autoriser_default_dist()

That’s about all there is to it. Of course, there’s a lot more you can do to make your authorisation decisions: per-user and per-object configurations you might like implement (similar to the way SPIP allows us to restrict administrators and editors “to a section”), time-based or geographic restrictions (editing during working hours only, or from an IP address in Africa), or restricting access to those within your organisation’s network.

The world of authorisation is your oyster!

This post was published on March 30, 2009 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: spip, php, code, authorisation, security.