Talk about the “World Blog Awards”, a blog awards event to be held in Perth, Western Australia. Nomination and self-nomination is not guaranteed to result in an award but it is, apparently, likely.
Also, we need to get the whole WA blog community thing back. There were a few lists and blogrolls of WA and Perth, but most of them are no longer updated. Lots of discussion about establishing such a community: should it be location-focussed, or not. Highlighting West-Australian-ness, might be a point of differentiation, but also might be premature optimisation. Also, maintaining such a list is a lot of work, so automation is the name of the game. Microformats are the right solution: either a specific tag, hgeo, or something that can be added easily, and automatically found to find “our” blogs.
The speaker wants to see:- Better support & cooperation
- Local based ID system
- Connect to each other
- other stuff