My last post was a solution to A Programming Job Interview Challenge #13 -
using Haskell. My Haskell solution basically defined a function that processed
the input string in O(n)
time and returned True
if it was valid and
if it was not. This is good and useful and (I believe) idiomatic
Haskell, but almost completely trivial. In this post I’ll describe a solution
to the same problem, this time in Objective-C as an NSFormatter
for use in a Cocoa program.
Unlike many object-oriented languages and frameworks, Objective-C and the
Cocoa framework do not encourage sub-classing to modify the behaviour of
existing classes and components. Instead, Cocoa is designed around patterns
like delegate and the like, according to which classes may “out source”
(delegate) parts of their behaviour to others. This helps to make the system
more flexible (we can change behaviour at runtime simply by delegating to an
object of a different class) and reduces the amount of code to be written
(less boiler plate) but can be confusing to beginners and has encouraged the
travesty that is the pollution of NSObject
with stubs for informal protocol
after informal protocol.
One way in which Cocoa makes use of the delegate pattern is in the formatting
of strings for display in text boxes: rather than create a hierarchy of
subclasses each of which formats and displays a particular type
of object (NSNumberTextField
, NSTelephoneNumberTextField
, NSStringTextField
, NSEmailAddressTextField
, ad
infinitum), Cocoa allows us to give each NSTextField
a formatter object
that knows how to format it’s objects. In this post, I’m going to describe
: a formatter which will ensure that any field it
is added to will only commit strings with correctly nested brackets.
There are a number of NSFormatter
methods which you can implement to achieve
various effects. The simplest and most essential methods in the API are
and getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:
. The
former is called when the NSTextField
is given a value to be displayed (and
edited) and returns the NSString
to be displayed and edited by the user. The
latter method is the inverse: it is called when the text box needs to convert
an NSString
back into an object that can be handed back to the application
logic after editing. Using these two methods, we can implement a simple
formatter which forces the input strings to contain only validly nested
The rest of the NSFormatter
interface is composed of two methods to
implement support for validation during editing. The compatibility method
is called every time
the user presses a key whilst the editing cell has keyboard focus to determine
if the newly edited string is valid. The newer and more feature-full
allows the formatter greater flexibility in evaluating and responding to the
Our first step in creating an NSFormatter
subclass to check that brackets
are correctly matched is to write the code to do the checking. As Objective-C
is a superset of C this is incredibly tedious and requires more code than it
should. This is exactly the sort of code that should be put in a category, so
I’ll do so. Note that I’ve elided the actual bracket matching as it isn’t
particularly interesting and the tedium of processing strings in C-like
languages cannot be understated:
@implementation NSString (MatchBrackets)
- (BOOL)bracketsAreMatched {
int i,j;
*stack = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSArray // ... Some of the most tedious string processing code in existence elided ...
return YES;
The first version of PCMatchedBacketFormatter
will use
and getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:
make sure that the user can only enter strings of validly nested brackets.
// -------- PCMatchBracketFormatter.h --------
@interface PCMatchBracketFormatter : NSFormatter
// -------- PCMatchBracketFormatter.m --------
@implementation PCMatchBracketFormatter
// Assume that the application knows what it's doing and only gives us validly strings
- (NSString *)stringForObjectValue:(id)anObject {
return anObject;
// Check that the edited string is validly nested
- (BOOL)getObjectValue:(id *)anObject forString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(NSString **)error {
if ([string bracketsAreMatched]) {
(*anObject) = string;
return YES;
} else {
if (error) {
(*error) = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\" contains incorrectly matched brackers", string];
return NO;
Now we can add a custom object instance in Interface Builder, set it’s class
to PCMatchBracketFormatter
and point the formatter
outlet of, e.g., an
to it and it’ll only accept strings with correctly nested
brackets. This basic pattern can be used to wrap any predicate function as an
subclass. To make the problem a little more interesting and the
resulting user interface a little more friendly, we could extend our class to
support partial editing with
that’ll have to wait until I’m interested in NSFormatter
’s again. For now,
my curiosity about them has passed.
The code in this post was typed into WordPress rather than XCode, and I’m new to Cocoa and Objective-C, so I’m sure I’ve made a few mistakes. Comments and corrections are welcome…
My next post will focus on multiple targets, private frameworks, and XCode templates using Matt Gemmell’s SS_PrefsController as an example.