Today was the fourth day of PE2 and I spent it mainly on planning and professional development. Before school started I attended the staff meeting where a number of issues were discussed, particularly enforcing the school’s policy on mobile telephones. If teachers see students using mobile phones during class, we are required to confiscate them and hand them in to school office to be collected by the child’s parent or guardian. The principal emphasised the need for consistency in our implementation of this policy and this is something that I’ll have to work on as I returned confiscated phones at the end of the lesson several times on Monday.
During the first two blocks, I got the opportunity to take part in a professional development session on anger management. The session was given by a community social worker based in a near by major town and focussed on a programme for boys with anger management problems and their families that the school will be joining next year. It was a great opportunity and I got a lot out of it, but I would have liked to hear more about specific strategies for helping students deal with their anger.
Between recess and lunch I was in the C.A.D. class I’ll start teaching next week. I managed to learn a few more names and I think that by the end of tomorrow, I’ll know most of the boys’ (the whole class is boys) names.
After lunch I spent the last two periods of the day planning for the IT class I’ll start teaching next week. I’m going to take them through a unit on computer hardware, common components of computer systems and the like. I’m pretty sure I know what I’ll cover and how I’ll present it, so it should work out pretty well. After I finished at the school, I went in to Ulverstone’s CBD and took a few photographs of buildings that I’ll take the C.A.D. class to see on their excursion.
I think that’s about it. I’ll have to remember to phone my university supervisor tomorrow.