On this page I shall provide a partial list of the books required and recommended for my units. Where appropriate I will provide links to the author’s, publisher’s and book’s web site as well as to Amazon.
ESA160 – Professional Studies 1A
- How to Make a Classroom Management Plan by Robert Cope. (buy)
- Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching by Kerri-Lee Krause, Sandra Bochner and Sue Duchesne. (buy)
- Case Studies in Teaching and Learning: Australian Perspectives by Nola Purdie and David Smith. (buy)
- Teaching for Understanding by Tina Blythe. (buy)
- Effective Teaching Strategies: Lessons from research and practice by R. Killen. (buy)
- Disability in Australia: Exposing a social apartheid by Gerard Goggin and Christopher Newell. (buy)
ESA166 – Information Technology 1A
- Guidebook for Developing an Effective Instructional Technology Plan by L. Anderson. PDF 232Kb
- Tasmanian Certificate of Education Information Technology Documents. Online
- Introduction to Information and Communication Technology in Education by D. G. Moursund. PDF 952Kb
- Technology for Teaching by Priscilla Norton and Debra Sprague. (buy)
- Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (2nd) by M.D. Roblyer and Jack Edwards. (buy)
- Learning to Teach ICT in the Secondary School: a companion to school experience by S. Kennewell, J. Parkinson and H. Tanner (eds). (buy)
- Managing School ICT by S. Hackett and B. Kennedy.
Additional reading:
- The Java Tutorial. Online
- Australian Educational Computing
ESA184 – Design and Technology
Recommended reading:
- People skills: how to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve Conflict by Robert Bolton.
- Technology Education for Teachers edited by John Williams and Anthony Williams.
- Technology – a curriculum profile for Australian schools by Curriculum Corporation.
- The Idea of Design edited by Richard Buchanan and Victor Margolin.
- The Journal of Technology Education.