Cerulean Sins by Laurell K. Hamilton and Industrial Magic by Kelley Armstrong
I finished reading the eleventh book in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series last night. It was good, but I can remember lowering the book (to change position as I switch sides quite frequently when I read lying down) and thinking “There isn’t much time left to wrap up the mystery.” I seem to recall thinking something like that while reading a number of these books. It doesn’t detract from them, indeed the frantic pace of the last couple of chapters lends them something that some other books don’t have.
I had intended to get the latest book in the series (Incubus Dreams) today, but I became engrossed reading some more of the Handbook chapter I wrote about yesterday and missed closing time. I’ll just have to get it tomorrow (or rather, today).
A while ago (probably sometime in November) I got Industrial Magic by Kelley Armstrong on a whim. For some reason I like these sorts of books now. Maybe it is that they tend to be more mature than the genre fantasy I have read almost to the exclusion of all else ’til now. That they are similar is obvious (even the publisher’s website agrees with me), but I’m fairly sure I’m not in their target demographic. For some reason the realistic, gritty nature of these books involving the supernatural (even film media like Channel 4’s Ultraviolet) is attractive to me right now.
I’d appreciate any suggestions of more books similar to those above.