Software for OS X

Posted by Thomas Sutton on February 24, 2005

GNUPlot (needs AquaTerm) O’Caml Graphviz

I’ve been playing with some Open Source software for OS X lately. There are links above, and brief descriptions follow.

GNUPlot is everybody’s favourite graph plotting software. At the link above, you can download a version compiled for OS X against AquaTerm, a package that allows gnuplot to draw to a native window under Aqua.

OCaml, is an object-oriented functional programming language in the ML family. I’ll be working with it this year. From the official download page (linked above) you can get source distributions, or pre-compiled binary packages for many platforms, including OS X.

Graphviz is a package for drawing diagrams of graphs and networks. The link above, is for an excellent OS X port of graphviz with a document-based GUI and support for lots of output format. It won a couple of awards and the OS X port, and Grapviz itself, is open source.

I’ll post links to some more useful OS X software later on.

This post was published on February 24, 2005 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: software.