I had a meeting with my supervisor today and thought that I’d better raise some of the issues I’ve been having. Basically, what it all boils down to is motivation, or rather a lack there of. If one took all of the time I’ve spent working on my honours project, my coursework and attending lectures, labs and tutorials over the last 2 months or so, it would not amount to a full week.
After a long talk with my supervisor, we’ve come up with a plan to, hopefully, get me back on track. I’ve unsubscribed from the mailing lists and turned off my email notifications on the sites that have been distracting me lately, we’re considering a new project (one that I started hacking on during the mid-semester break to avoid working on my official project) and I’m going to see the honours convenor about an extension on the big assignment due this Friday that I haven’t started yet.
It would be better not to be in this position at all, but I am and I feel a lot better about it now that I’ve spoken to someone, and have a plan of attack.
Thanks R! (Who doesn’t read this, as far as I’m aware.)