Postcasts and Recharging

Posted by Thomas Sutton on August 2, 2005

A while ago, Hack programme on JJJ did a story on iPods. According to one of the Apple service people they interviewed, the short battery life that lots and lots and lots of people experience with an iPod is due to excessive recharging.

Like most battery technologies, those used in the iPod will only last a certain number of recharge cycles. Once that number has passed, the battery life begins to decline. The obvious solution is the charge only when necessary. The obvious problem with this solution is that my iPod charges automatically when it’s attached to my iBook.

My question then is, if we aren’t supposed to charge unless necessary, and if the iPod charges when connected to a computer, then why does iTunes have support for podcasts?

This post was published on August 2, 2005 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: apple, batteries.