Well, I’m past the first post (even if I’m not the first past it): my project description and literature review has been submitted to the Honours convenor. If anyone is interested in reading about counter-model construction in the context of modal tableau systems, leave a comment and I’ll post a PDF of it.
The next milestone in the Honours program is the introductory seminar I’ll have to give on the 29th (IIRC). I’m going to have to start thinking about that soon.
In the coursework stakes, we’ve got our first assignment for COMP4100 (Software Quality Management) which is proving some theorems in HOL. It’s in pairs, so I’ll be doing it with the other Honours student Raj is supervising. I’ve also got a stack of reading to do to catch up with COMP4710 (AI) and COMP4100 (SQM) and I’ve got to at least look at the available papers for COMP4200 (Milestone Papers in Computing) before I choose one.
I’m going to be very busy for the rest of this year, I think. If the rest is as fun as this last week has been, I’m going to have a good year.