I am stupid. That is the only possible explanation for the way I’ve wasted
most of the last couple of weeks of work, by hard-coding a number of
transformations into my code when the library I’m using (prefuse, just
in case you’d forgotten) supports java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
, in all it’s
glory, or should that be gory. So now, I’ve been hacking out all my size
handling code; all my device co-ordinate handling code; all the uncommented,
unnecessary, inexplicable cruft that has been cluttering up my code, and
replacing it all with a single AffineTransform
applied to the Display
This has meant that I’ve been able to trash my idea of creating a new class.
I’d already pretty much finished AdjacencyMatrixManager
which was to know
the size we were drawing at (i.e. the dimensions of the matrix we were filling
in) and be able to convert points in a useful co-ordinate system (such as one
with the origin at the bottom-left) into device co-ordinates. As quick as it
was to hack up, it didn’t take much longer to tear out again.
Now, all my classes are smaller (most of the are just a couple of one-liners in an interface stub), my code is [probably] going to be faster (there are a lot fewer method calls), and it is a lot simpler, with all of the stupidity caused by the device co-ordinates confined to one place.
The only problem I can see will be in adding interface elements that I don’t
want the AffineTransform
to be applied to. Things like tooltips mustn’t be
transformed, or we’ll wind up with huge, unreadable text the obscures its
subject. On the other hand, it will be a lot easier to do things like
highlighting effects, and such like as I no longer need to pass around various
On the whole, this is the better path, even though I may need to start poking at prefuse’s insides.