After fighting a losing battle against procrastination this morning, I went into town and came back with a few more books to add to my collection (Dymocks are having a sale). Amongst them, was Stardust by Neil Gaiman. After the slight disappointment of The Gene of Isis (which I plan to finish next week), I’ve been pleased to note that Stardust is a quite pleasant read. The first few dozen pages dragged me in whilst I was eating dinner and, hence I have been unable to give the notes for Software Quality Management (the exam I have tomorrow) one last read over.
The characters, what I’ve seen of them so far, are nice but the most enjoyable aspect of the book (at this point in time) is the language. Gaiman’s prose simply flows off the page. This really, really needs to be an audio book, read by someone like Stephen Fry.
Do yourself a favour and read Stardust.