I’ve just read/skimmed Crest of the Stars and Banner of Stars I and started Banner of Stars II and I have to say, I’m not all that impressed with the production quality. I love the art, especially in the first two books, but the editing is not too impressive (with text placed awkwardly in the “bubbles”) and the glossaries of Abh words seem to have been quite rushed as they are missing some terms that appear in the text (Though I haven’t looked in the other books yet for terms I’ve encountered in one) and one of the definitions has been run into the previous, without the appropriate bolding and italicisation.
In short, I get the impression that these particular books didn’t have very stringent proof-reading, etc before they went to press. Perhaps they were rushed out due to the US release of the anime? If anyone knows what happened (my previous Tokyopop books have been pretty good), I’d be interested to know.