I’ve recently (i.e. since my last post on manga) purchased a whole bunch of new manga books. Today I got The One I Love by CLAMP (Tokyopop’s translation of わたし の すきなひと), which is a great little book.
I’ve also got a whole bunch of Viz Media books including Koko wa Greenwood (or Here is Greenwood in English), Maison Ikkoku books 1-5 (with 6-10 on order) and Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (Viz, and everyone else, call it Hana-Kimi).
I’ve bought so many books whilst here in Canberra that I’m going to have to get them shipped when I leave (as opposed to taking them as checked luggage on my flight home).
It seems that Western comics in the manga style are becoming popular. So much so that Tokyopop are publishing an Australian artist’s book! I can’t wait to see if The Dreaming is as good as it looks.
PS: The Japanese input mode on Emacs (which I used to type the hiragana above) is shit-hot. Much easier than trying to use the Japanese Kana Palette or any other input method I’ve tried.