I’ve come to a realisation: doing laundry is the bane of all that is good and right in the world. This epiphany came after spending quite a bit of time doing, or attempting to do, my laundry last weekend. I prefer to hang my clothes on a washing-line rather than tumble dry but, as I don’t know everyone in that lives in the hall, I’d rather not expose my clothes to that risk (as my washing usually includes almost all of my clothes, few though they may be). As hanging them to dry in their own time is not an option with which I am comfortable, I am reduced to wasting energy by using a drying machine.
For some reason the dryers at B&G seem to hate me. On my first attempt to dry my clothes (on Saturday), the only drier free, wouldn’t work. I don’t know if this was because it knew the lint filter was missing (gone to I don’t know where) or if it was suffering from some other mysterious malady, but it refused to work. After going away for a while, I returned to find two dryers empty and, splitting my load, claimed them for myself. Unfortunately, one of them had decided, for whatever reason, that it wasn’t going to heat, and so I ended up with one load of dry clothes and another of damp, though will-aired, clothes.
Transferring them to the other dryer, I put them on over night, but the time I put the first load on wasn’t enough, so they were STILL damp. At which point, I had my epiphany. Laundry is the bane of existence.