Hello, I'll be your host tonight as we play...

Posted by Thomas Sutton on June 11, 2005

Name that Project…

My project is in need of a name. Rather than give it an acronym, I’ve been trying to think of a name at least somewhat relevant to the topic at hand and my approach. I’m currently thinking about “Vindaloo” with the rather tenuous link being Haskell Curry and that the project will, I hope, be pretty hot (for some definition). “Vindaloo,” though, doesn’t have all that much to do with modal logic.

Names have never been a strong point of mine (I still don’t know the names of many of the people I’ve seen and talked to every day this year), so I’ll take this opportunity to solicit suggestions: If you can think of a name for a labelled tableaux theorem prover written in the Haskell programming language please leave your suggestions in a comment, or email them to me at: thsutton at gmail dot com.

This post was published on June 11, 2005 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: .