I got back to Canberra this morning, after 10 days in Tasmania. Now that I’m back, I can’t remember having actually done anything during the time. Sure, I read (logic papers mainly), wrote (notes on said papers and Z specification for an assignment), saw (a younger sibling’s primary school sports carnival), and did (helped take some stuff to the rubbish dump) some stuff, but not 10 days worth of stuff. On the other hand, it was good to catch up with my family and my friends in Launceston.
Why does Canberra’s airport shuttle bus not run on weekends and public holidays? If Launceston airport has enough traffic to make public holiday airport runs worth the operators while, I don’t see how Canberra cannot.
In a similar manner, I don’t see why so much stuff is closed here in Canberra. I’ve just got back from town and everything (with the exception of a few cafes) is shut. Even the supermarket. Strange city…