Branching Time Temporal Logic

Posted by Thomas Sutton on April 4, 2005

Deciding branching time logic

We’ve been looking at temporal logics for the last couple of lectures in Software Quality Management which has lead me to think a bit about the semantics of CTL (Computation-time Temporal Logic), primarily because they weren’t spelt out in the lectures and the first page of results from Google Scholar didn’t look promising.

CTL is a logic used to reason about the characteristics of programmes over time. As such it needs to be able to analyse a particular “run” (i.e. a linear sequence of states). It must also be able to deal with the non-determinism present in many programmes. To do this it must be able to handle branching of the successor relation, i.e. a state having multiple possible successors.

CTL has 4 modal operators: A (“for all paths”), E (“for some path”), F (“sometime”) and G (“always”). These four operators are always used in pairs: AF, AG, EF and EG. The AG operator is equivalent to a □ (the box or “necessary” operator) and the EF operator is equivalent to a ◇ (the diamond or “possible” operator).

After a bit of thought, I think I’ve nearly got the semantics worked out in my head. At interpretation of CTL would be a Kripke frame (some worlds and a relation on them) and a valuation function (giving the truth values for formulæ at worlds). The relation R is irreflexive and non-transitive. The modal operators that handle the branching (A and E) are interpreted with R. The linear-temporal modal operators (F and G) are interpreted with the reflexive and transitive closure of R.

This is the point I have reached. Having written this, I don’t think I’ve fully understood the implications of F and G being linear. I’ll need to go through it again. On the plus, this might be useful for my thesis: all I need to do is try to find a natural-looking way to find the correct semantics for CTL, whatever they may be, using counter-models for intended theorems of CTL. It is a fun exercise in any case.

This post was published on April 4, 2005 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: .