One field of Computer Science I am particularly interested in is programming languages. In a probably futile attempt to speed my learning in this area, I ordered a few books from The Coop Bookshop the other day. I chose the books based on the various recommendation on the Lambda the Ultimate weblog forums (adjusted by price, availability, and recency of publishing).
After a bit of um-ing and ah-ing, I finally settled on Benjamin Pierce’s Types and Programming Languages, Peter Seibel’s Practical Common Lisp and Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming by Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi.
That’s a bit of $300-worth of books, so I hope to get around to reading them at some point between when they arrive (somewhere between a week and a month away, I imagine) and the end of the year.
Suggestions of other books suitable for beginners in the areas of type systems, programming language theory, and related fields are most welcome in the comments.