An Interesting Experience

Posted by Thomas Sutton on February 1, 2005

It struck me today, that this year is going to be an interesting experience. This won’t be the first time I’ve lived in a student residence, but it will be the first time I’ve lived in a residence populated with adults instead of college kids (in Tasmania, where I was last resident in student accommodation, “college” is the last two years of high school, not University). I’m still of two minds about it.

Rooms at B&G are supposed to be quite small, but it is self catered (which is always a plus in my book), on campus and cheap enough for me to afford. All in all, the only thing that might suck is the other residents and the facilities such as the shared toilets, showers and kitchens. On the plus side, if I didn’t live in a Hall or College on campus, I would probably finish the year having met only the other Honours students and the lecturers at the Department of Computer Science.

All in all, I think this year is going to be an interesting experience. Only time will tell.

This post was published on February 1, 2005 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: university, life.